(convert-operation operation options)
Returns a map with methods as keys and the Operation maps with parameters and responses transformed to comply with Swagger spec as values
(ensure-body-and-response-schema-names swagger)
Takes a ring-swagger spec and returns a new version with a generated names for all anonymous nested schemas that come as body parameters or response models.
(swagger-json swagger)
(swagger-json swagger options)
Inputs: ([swagger :- (s/maybe Swagger)] [swagger :- (s/maybe Swagger) options :- (s/maybe Options)])
Produces swagger-json output from ring-swagger spec. Optional second argument is a options map, supporting the following options with defaults:
:ignore-missing-mappings? - (false) boolean whether to silently ignore missing schema to JSON Schema mappings. if set to false, IllegalArgumentException is thrown if a Schema can’t be presented as JSON Schema.
:default-response-description-fn - ((constantly "")) - a fn to generate default response descriptions from http status code. Takes a status code (Int) and returns a String.
:handle-duplicate-schemas-fn - (ring.swagger.core/ignore-duplicate-schemas), a function to handle possible duplicate schema definitions. Takes schema-name and set of found attached schema values as parameters. Returns sequence of schema-name and selected schema value.
:collection-format - Sets the collectionFormat for query and formData parameters. Possible values: multi, ssv, csv, tsv, pipes.
(swagger-path uri)
Replaces Compojure/Clout style path params in uri with Swagger style path params.
Does not support wildcard-paths or inline-regexes.
The regex is copied from Clout.
(transform-operations f swagger)
Transforms the operations under the :paths of a ring-swagger spec by applying (f operation) to all operations. If the function returns nil, the given operation is removed.