(basepath {:keys [scheme server-name server-port headers], :as request})
extract a base-path from ring request. Doesn’t return default ports and reads the header “x-forwarded-proto” only if it’s set to value “https”. (e.g. your ring-app is behind a nginx reverse https-proxy). Adds possible servlet-context when running in legacy app-server.
(collect-models x)
Walks through the data structure and collects all Schemas into a map schema-name->#{values}. Note: schame-name can link to sevetal implementations.
(context {:keys [servlet-context]})
Context of a request. Defaults to "", but has the servlet-context in the legacy app-server environments.
(join-paths & paths)
Join several paths together with “/”. If path ends with a slash, another slash is not added.
(peek-schema schema)
Recurisively seeks the first form with schema-name. Walks over sets, vectors and Schema predicates.
(with-named-sub-schemas schema)
(with-named-sub-schemas schema prefix)
Traverses a schema tree of Maps, Sets and Sequences and add Schema-name to all anonymous maps between the root and any named schemas in thre tree. Names of the schemas are generated by the following: Root schema name (or a generated name) + all keys in the path CamelCased