Scjsv Api Documentation

Version: 0.4.0



(json-validator schema)(json-validator schema json-schema-factory)

Returns a JSON string validator (a single arity fn). Schema can be given either as a JSON String or a Clojure Map.

To configure the validator, you can pass a JsonSchemaFactory instance or a options map as the second parameter. See scjsv.core/validator docstring for the options.


(validator schema)(validator schema json-schema-factory)

Returns a Clojure data structure validator (a single arity fn). Schema can be given either as a JSON String or a Clojure Map.

To configure the validator, you can pass a JsonSchemaFactory instance or an options map as the second parameter. The options map can have the following keys:

:dereferencing – Which dereferencing mode to use. Either :canonical (default) or :inline.